How Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire

Some people have the potential to imagine things and make them possible. They do not rest until they make it happen. But who will ever think that person would be the creator of one of the most important social networking? Mark Zuckerberg, at such a young age, showed the world his talent. He developed Facebook, the most widely social networking website.

Through Facebook, people around world can easily keep in touch with all their friends. This was an important thing by that time. Society did not have that opportunity before, from now and on everything has changed. Facebook has grown even more, is not limited only to communication. There are groups and fan pages (the second one for companies and branding). Today Facebook is a huge database.
The point about this is: “To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together”, Zuckerberg said. “To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected”.

This did not happen magically, Zuckerberg, since was little, invented stuff all the time. Now he is an inspiring entrepreneur, the youngest billionaire in the world. Mark Zuckerberg’s journey began with a dream, the desire to create something big. He was willing to sacrifice all for it. He was dreaming about changing the world, he was never interested to sell off Facebook or having a paid job. He certainly had a plan and believed on it.

One of the most important keys to success is self-belief. Believe firmly in yourself will give you the ability to make it and take right decisions. After some research, we found those facts about him.
During his early life:

• He learnt ATARI Basic programming with his father in 1990.
• He was enrolled in a course about software programming while he was in High School. He developed a software called ZuckNet, an instant messaging network between the computers in his father’s office and those at home.
• He also built a program named Synapse Media Player to memorize a listener’s music choices.

When he was studying programming:

• He attended the Harvard University, majoring in psychology and computer science. The programs called “CourseMath” and Facemash were created by him. The first one, to help students choose their course and the other one was built for fun.
• Later he quit college to start working on his own project. Facebook was initially meant for students of Harvard, but it was distributed to other institutions like Yale, Stanford, and Columbia.

About on unexpected facts:

• He is multilingual. He likes to learn languages. He can speak mandarin.
• So many companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, NBC and Google came to him to buy Facebook and he always kept his firm.
• He admires Steve Jobs.
• He and his wife Priscila Chan cannot be blocked on Facebook. If you attempt to block them, immediately an error message will appears “this profile cannot be block right now”.
• Mark and Priscila have emerged as major philanthropists in recent years.

“Some people dream of success, while other wake up and work harder at it” Mark Zuckerberg

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